
  • Zahid, "an American born Muslim who, after struggling with his Islamic roots, explores different aspe…
  • 曾以《打尸噎》、《防腐搞作》引起热议的匈牙利名导乔治帕尔菲新作,改编自波兰科幻小说作家史坦尼斯劳莱姆的同名…
  • 海莉一家為了照顧陪伴姑姑雪伊,舉家搬到從洛杉磯搬到長島阿米提爾小鎮一幢舊房子裡。一開始海莉一家對新生活仍然…
  • Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them mu…
  • The finale to the Bull Shark trilogy as a family of Bull Sharks faces off against a small Texas lake commu…
  • 主人公是一名倒霉的赛车手,讲述了一直为了成为赛车手排除干扰,实现梦想的故事。
  • 汤姆·雷普利是20世纪60年代初在纽约勉强度日的骗子。一位富翁雇他前往意大利去说服流浪的儿子回家。汤姆接受了这…
  • On Christmas Day, DAVID, 15, finds out that his boyfriend, JONATHAN, 17, has taken another lover. The disc…
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