
  • 代號「孤狼」的特殊警察部隊,代表的是土耳其警察中,最堅忍不拔的一群菁英。在黑夜中守望是孤狼的使命,儘管遭到…
  • 战场上最致命的武器不是子弹或枪炮,而是孤身一人的狙击手。本节目由在越南、伊拉克和阿富汗执行狙击任务的狙击手…
  • Sereftakesaroadtripwherehewillfindthemeaningoffriendshipandmeetsomeonespecialontheway.Acomedyaboutlife.
  • 莱拉和亚当的婚姻一直很幸福。然而,一段时间后,他们的婚姻走入了死胡同。他们婚姻中的兴奋现在已经消失了,亚当…
  • Rise of Empires: Ottoman is an upcoming Turkish historical fiction docuseries, starring Tuba Büyü…
  • Rise of Empires: Ottoman is an upcoming Turkish historical fiction docuseries, starring Tuba Büyü…
  • Turkey in the spring of 2014. A time when the enemies are growing on the border, the circle of danger insi…
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