
  • 一个连环杀手连续13个冬天在圣诞节前夕行凶,马上就要圣诞节了,调查人员与时间赛跑,争分夺秒想要弄清楚这位圣诞…
  • 一个生物实验室在研究和制造一只能食肉的突变蟑螂,一天因一个员工的失误导致那只突变蟑螂成功脱离了管控并屠杀了…
  • A year after the death of his wife, a man enlists her sister to help him bring her back.
  •   在一次偶然的聚会上,拥有雄心壮志的女强人奈特(罗丝·拜恩 Rose Byrne 饰)与仍在艰难奋斗的苦作家乔治(拉…
  • Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that…
  • A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model …
  • <p>  Aron,快將三十,剛畢業,缺工作,連找工也由老媽寫CV,唯一成就是有個可愛女友,結果女友背他劈腿…
  • 杰克是一只3岁的黑猩猩,他是某大学研究计画的对象,并学会如何与人类沟通。负责此计画的肯多博士突然去世,杰克…
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