
  • 一面是万丈深渊,一面是悬崖绝壁,当她恢复知觉,发现自己身陷险境,生与死就在咫尺之间。是坐以待毙,还是绝地求…
  • A medical student suffering from sleep paralysis finds herself plagued by a demonic entity, after moving i…
  • 一部涉及缓刑官凯茜·麦登(Cathy Madden)的惊悚片,她的任务是让臭名昭著的杀手 血腥 玛丽-莱德洛(Mary …
  • Something has been discovered, and this time, a city is under attack by a fast growing T-Rex.
  • 狂犬病病毒B456造成人类突变,被咬的人变成活尸一般,很快地,人咬人、人传人,无一幸免。一所学校的幸存者牧师马…
  • 一对忠实的夫妇的安静的周末发生了奇怪的转折,一个噩梦般的疯狂邪教领导人要去成天启预言。。。
  • PANIC BEATS begins with a totally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full o…
  • A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. Meanwh…
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