
  • Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to res…
  • 1974 年,英国实行悬浮议会。威斯敏斯特的走廊里回响着内讧和暗箭伤人的声音,各政党为改变国家的未来而战。 《…
  •   based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the…
  • 祖父过世后,小杰与他的父母搬进祖父位于布鲁克林的房子,很快便和楼下的东尼成为无话不谈的好友,甚至梦想一起读高…
  • On a secret military base a group of scientists have made a discovery unequaled since the invention of the…
  • 几十年来,卡贝拉石油公司和布兰迪尼石油公司一直在竞争石油牧场。然而,情况并非总是如此。创始人 Raphael B…
  • Accomplished novelist Richard Sykes struggles to come up with a concept for a new book while trying to res…
  • 在一个神秘的军事基地,以丹尼尔为首的一群高智商的研究人员正在进行一项卫星发射前的测试工作宇宙中的一颗螺丝钉…
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