
  • To withstand the psychological torture of the Gestapo, a lawyer imprisoned by the Nazis rescues himself in…
  • The series is a modern and contemporary interpretation, inspired by the gripping memoirs of Christiane F. …
  • 十九岁男孩在少年观护所中服满大半刑期,为了赢得假释出狱的机会,他必须证明自己能够重返社会,却在求职过程中处…
  • 罗马帝国时期恺撒的军队横扫欧洲,却对高卢的一个小村庄无能为力。原因是这里的巫师会调制一种让人力大无比的药水…
  • 维特是个能诗善画,热爱自然的青年,他在繁花盛开的春天,来到一个僻静的山村。青山幽谷,晨曦幕霭,村童幼女,无…
  • A dark comedy, from the filmmakers who brought you Almost Adults. A group of aspiring actors" cottage…
  • Sommer

    Der 15-jährige Tim (Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht) soll von Berlin zu seiner Oma auf e…
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