The Indian version of The Godfather, with the focus on SARKAR, an Indian politician. 印度版的《教父》,可能会成为印度最成功的黑帮电影…… 这里没有对与错,只有权利。Suresh Nagre是一位“Sarkar”,拥…
The Indian version of The Godfather, with the focus on SARKAR, an Indian politician. 印度版的《教父》,可能会成为印度最成功的…
A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it difficult to fit in the society. She decides to take it hard on the people. What she does is the rest of the story.
A gentle girl born and brought up amidst the ever growing eco-social-consumeristic environment finds it di…