
  • 日占台湾期间,林场主的千金秀兰和长乐一对恋人处于热恋之中,但遇日军军官横山少佐,横山对秀兰产生爱慕,在秀兰…
  • 好幻想的科学家Janos Rukh说服另一群科学家和赞助者去非洲进行探险,目的是寻找和研究一颗远古的陨石,该陨石具有…
  • ColonelBranson(ThomasGibson),headofasecretandcovertdivisionoftheNSA,keepstheShadowWolvesoperatingalbeitnow…
  • 布兰森上校(托马斯•吉布森饰)是美国国家安全局一个秘密部门的负责人,他让“影子狼”继续运作,尽管现在他们是独…
  • The journey full of megalomania and piano music of CHilly Gonzales: from the Berlin punk scene to the phil…
  • The crew of the research vessel, The Calico, investigate strange phenomena and often meet menaces that for…
  • The crew of the research vessel, The Calico, investigate strange phenomena and often meet menaces that for…
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