
  • Looking for work, Aaron comes across a cryptic online ad “$1,000 for the day. Filming servIce. Discretion …
  • A social worker, still reeling from the loss of her architect husband, investigates the eccentric, psyched…
  • 以恶心、暴戾手法XX虐杀无数女性的杀人狂柏德烈贝文,终于消失人间;可惜,他的消失并没有将恐怖杀机一同埋葬………
  • 一對受過醫學訓練的兄弟,平日專門冒充醫護人員,開著救護車載走傷患,再迷昏他們活摘器官,把搶手的肝腎、心臟等…
  • F.M.是一个颓废青年,某日他发现某种迷幻的音乐会使人们变得烦躁不安,他怀疑政府正借此对民众进行洗脑。。。
  • 农夫Ralph Gower耕田时发现一具带有皮毛的尸体,他认为这是传说中魔鬼的躯体,并把这事告诉了从伦敦来的大法官,…
  • Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to hi…
  • 正值青春期的少女艾玛(苏菲·瓦瓦希尔SophieVavasseur饰)因小事与父母发生争吵,继而用玻璃碎片割破自己的手掌…
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