
  • Alleged is a romantic drama based on events occurring behind the scenes and outside the courtroom of the f…
  • Tú me abrasas is an adaptation of “Sea Foam”, a chapter from Cesare Pavese’s “…
  • 一位新上任的野外护林员独自穿越了危险的荒野,希望揭开困扰她大半生的悲剧的起源。
  • 從小父母雙亡的高中少女安蒂,每年暑假都會去鄉村果園幫外公照料果樹,沒想到外公卻突然撒手人寰,長年在都市生活…
  • 韦恩是一个神乎其神的科学家,他发明了一台机密的能够将物体变小的机器,在兴奋之余却忘记警告家人。当窗外的赠邻…
  • 12-year-old Juana goes to a British school in Buenos Aires, where she fails both socially and academically…
  • 哈扎里是个贪得无厌的老头子,为了能够不劳而获,他伪装成为了有钱人攀上了亿万富翁梅拉先生。哈扎里希望梅拉先生…
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