
  •   After being busted for drug possession, Aiden, a troubled Teenager is forced…
  • Two girls have a chance encounter and instantly befriend. While trying to find themselves, they decide to …
  • Rakkawasbornwiththeabilitytocommunicatewiththespiritsofthedead.Thisabilitytortureshim,astheyoftenappeartoh…
  • An orphan boy and his homemade robot friend work to free their country from an evil empire and its legion …
  •   Mischa Jackson, who has been living in the human world and unaware she has s…
  •   巫術盛行的13世紀,一群馬爾他士兵在戰爭中歷劫歸來,他們飽受戰火欺凌,又累又餓地來到一座城堡,原本只打算…
  •   翻拍自荷兰剧《Anne+》讲述了搬到柏林的汉娜和她五任女友之间的爱情故事,迫不及待想知道后续剧情的直接去看…
  • yle=color: rgb(80, 81, 93); f>莫拉莱斯表兄弟一方面要竭力保住爷爷的塔可饼店,另一方面又要追求自己的梦想。与…
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