
  • 三位女孩碰到了意外,于是便求助于巫婆寻求解决,然而意外的事发生了……本片在恐怖电影节上获得&l…
  • 新婚在即,准新娘凯瑟琳(马丽莎•泰特 Marissa Tait 饰)和她四个闺蜜兼伴娘索非娅(America Oli…
  • A law student from a lower caste begins a friendship with his classmate, a girl who belongs to a higher ca…
  • 十个人去旅行,然而他们却误打误撞来到了一个荒无人烟的山上。由于缺少返程的汽油,他们不得不到这个荒凉的山上和…
  • In psychedelic swinging 60s style, the dreaded thief (and killer) Diabolik wreaks havoc on a generic Europ…
  • When smart, musically talented and popular high school student David Sinclair unexpectedly commits suicide…
  • 影片讲述了两个年轻人因为音乐而相识,相恋的故事。女主角拉特纳因为父亲去海外工作而到姑姑家借住,并转到了加利…
  • A tender, melancholic night is experience through the eyes of three women as they struggle to find themsel…
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