
  • ★越南賣座突破1084億,榮登越南影史最賣座恐怖片  ★改編自越南民間傳說「戴帽子的狗」  ★「越南百萬DJ天…
  • After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaini…
  • The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdr…
  • Horror anthology feature film comprised of a compilation of shorts curated by Fun Size Horror.
  • 《独家内幕》由真实事件改编,是关于坚韧新闻报道的内部故事,讲述了一次惊天动地的采访,即安德鲁王子在BBC《新…
  • Popstar Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame…
  • 故事发生在十七世纪的波兰。书亚(Mieczyslaw Voit 饰)是一名德高望重的神父,坚定的坚持着自己对主的信仰和理想…
  • 一群年轻人驾车去墨西哥听演唱会。途径德州特拉维斯镇,他们的车子险些撞到一个女孩杰蔓。看到她遍体鳞伤的样子,…
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